Images: Unsplash & giphy.com
2023 is officially upon us…Happy New Year! It’s safe to say that after the past few years of chaos and uncertainty, we’ve collectively agreed to retire the “this is going to be my year” annual movement. It is also well documented that most people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions. Instead, a more reliable approach seems to be the ability to swap measuring life by checklists and goals, with giving yourself maximum grace for doing the best that you can in an increasingly complicated and changing world. So as we wade into another year, here is a helpful list of simple yet effective activities that can help us take stock of the small wins as we continue moving forward, whatever the pace may be.
Create a list of things that you’re looking forward to this year. This list can be aspirational as well to help keep you focused and build anticipation for positive things coming up in your life.

Prioritize your health, especially your mental health. Creating the best version of yourself means taking your health and wellness seriously every single day!

Create boundaries and enforce them. Whether it's in your relationships or at your workplace, it is important to clearly define what your expectations are from the people around you. Although it’s not always easy, refusing to compromise on these boundaries is key to unlocking lasting peace in your day-to-day life.

Rest. In today’s world that is obsessed with ‘hustle culture’, it’s easy to get sucked into the constant pressure to be hyper productive. But rest is a right and in these stressful times, it should be an imperative for us all.

Reflect on your journey. Spend some time taking note of all the things you are proud to have achieved recently as a reminder of how far you’ve come. While you may not yet be where you want to be, progress is progress and should be celebrated.

Once again, we wish you a happy AUDACIOUS new year!

Audaz Mag is the magazine for audacious people! An online publication telling Black stories, showcasing trendsetters and celebrating changemakers around the world.