Best intentions banana bread

Photo: Li Lee

Photo: Li Lee

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This recipe’s name is more than befitting of how I came up with this creation. 

Every time I go shopping I say to myself “Girl, we gonna eat well and be healthy” and for some reason that always equates to picking up a bunch of bananas. Like seriously a bunch!



I always promise myself that I’ll use these bananas in everything:  Add them to granola and yogurt, garnish on top of pancakes, make a smoothie or be really health-forward and make ice cream (recipe soon come)! But, what ultimately happens is they stay on my counter so long they no longer resemble bananas but some blackened, shriveled creature barely hanging on to my fruit stand.  Sometimes I freeze them for future use in those smoothies or ice cream I was talking about, but most times I go the carb-y way and make the best out of my intentions with banana bread. 


3 ripe (even super-duper ripe) bananas, mashed

2 eggs 

⅔ -1 cup cane sugar (amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of bananas)

3 tablespoons of melted unsalted butter



Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Mix bananas, eggs, sugar, butter, yogurt, and vanilla extract in a bowl until combined. Sift flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a separate bowl. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients bowl. DO NOT OVER MIX. Over mixing will result in tough muffins. Mix until just combined. Before the mixture is fully combined, this is the time to add in the walnuts if you would like, because that's your business (insert Tabitha brown voice)!

How you decide to bake it is up to you! I've done banana bread loaves before but decided to do mini muffins this time. This recipe will make 1 loaf or 24 mini muffins. I used a silicone cupcake mat so I didn't need to grease the pan. If you use anything other than silicone pans/mats, be sure to grease pan liberally with butter and lightly flour to ensure the banana bread doesn’t stick.

Bake muffins for about 15-20 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool and enjoy! 

Disclaimer: all the products featured in this article were independently selected by the author. Audaz may collect a share of sales or other compensation if purchases are made through the selected links. Product availability and prices are accurate as of the time of publication.


Li Lee

Native Brooklynite and home chef, AB Lee has a natural zest for life, food and anything that sparks joy (Marie Kondo style). Her writings and recipes provide the scene to reflect on her Afro-Caribbean upbringing, relate with her ever-changing present in the Big Apple and reveal her internal thoughts and inside jokes all behind the comforts of the keyboard.


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