Image: Runners World
A new running club is changing the typical perception of what a runner looks like. Founded by Martinus Evans, the Slow AF Run Club is on a mission to inspire people to start running regardless of what their body looks like. Evans’ journey with the sport started a decade ago when during a visit to his doctor, he was told to “lose weight or die.” When in response Evans expressed his desire to run a marathon, his doctor laughed at him.
Determined to prove him wrong, an over 350-pound Evans began training for a marathon motivated by “delusional self belief.” Since then he has successfully transformed the conventional image of a runner completing over 100 races, including several marathons, appearing on the cover of Runner’s World magazine, and being a spokesperson for Adidas.
The Slow AF Run Club describes itself as an inclusive global community that provides a supportive environment for aspiring runners.
“I noticed that there were a lot of other individuals just like myself who are in the back of the pack, and we always just felt alone,” said Evans in a recent interview. “So I was like, let me create a community where I can guarantee that we will never leave you, we will always be around, and there will be no runner left behind.”
Evans’ vision for creating a safe space for any kind of runner has exploded over the years growing from an initial small group of 40 to approximately 16,000 runners around the world. His new book Slow AF Run Club: The Ultimate Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Run chronicles his journey as a runner and encourages people to have confidence in themselves. Through the Slow AF Run Club he wants people to understand that “if you run, you are a runner - no matter if you are skinny, fat, slow, old or whatever, you still can be a runner.”
Evans’ ultimate goal is to encourage people everywhere to become more physically active, realize their potential as runners, and most importantly, to experience joy while doing it.

Audaz Mag is the magazine for audacious people! An online publication telling Black stories, showcasing trendsetters and celebrating changemakers around the world.